Where is Ukuleles Heal The World located?

Ukuleles Heal The World is located in Portland, Maine

Do you have a Facebook page where more information can be found about Ukuleles Heal The World?

Yes, we have a Facebook page which can be found by typing "Ukuleles Heal The World" in the search bar.

How can I volunteer for Ukuleles Heal The World?

The more volunteers we have, the more we can serve the community. Please send an email to ukuleleshealtheworld@gmail .com to inquire.

Does Ukuleles Heal The World teach ukulele in other settings in addition to elementary schools?

Yes, we lead "Mini-Ukulele Camps" and perform in senior living centers, Veterans Administration facilities, churches, and facilities that serve developmentally challenged young adults.

How can I make a financial donation to Ukuleles Heal The World?

First, thank you for even thinking about that. Secondly, there's a donation button on our Facebook page or you can donate to the Ukuleles Heal The World PayPal account.